

Dated: 16/09/2017
Lecture on Stress Free Living for Youth
Infantry unit of NCC organized a lecture on stress free living by Dr. Rajan Salaria and Miss Hemu Karki, faculties of Art of Living. They both have an extensive experience of 18 years at their disposal in holding many lectures of the kind. Dr. Rajan is an avid researcher and a persistent worker in establishing peace and tranquility in the otherwise stressed life of people.
The lecture began with a formal welcome address by Prof. Rashu Sharma, In charge NCC, who highlighted the significance of the lecture in building a delighted, gay and prosperous future of the cadets who are more vulnerable to stress owing to their multifaceted responsibilities.
He distinguished between the tendencies of human mind into Tamas, Rajas and Satva. And motivated the students to elevate the level of Satra by balancing between both the tendencies of Tamas and Rajas.
A meditation session for 15 minutes was conducted for the participants.
Dr. Ajeet Angral, Principal of the college commended the enlightening attempts of both the faculties. The other distinguished faculty members who were present include Dr. Namrata (HOD Chemistry), Prof. Mehjooba, Prof Inderjeet Kour, Dr. Reena Rani, Dr. Richa Gupta, Prof. Bhanu Priya Prof. Shalini Gupta and Prof. Rupali Jastotia.