

Dated: 26/06/2024
International Day against drug abuse
Today on the eve of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, under the able guidance of worthy Principal, Dr. B.B. Anand, Govt. MAM College organized various activities and programs for spreading awareness against the drug abuse and illicit trafficking. Students of Govt. MAM College in Collaboration with Mashwara Drug Rehabilitation Centre, Chak Bhalwal Jammu organized an Awareness Run/Walkathon program. The program started from Govt. Hospital Gandhinagar with a pledge taking cermony and a briefing on the occasion by Kimi Padihar, SLCA, J&K Ministry of Social Welfare and Empowerment from Mashwara Drug Rehabilitation Centre, Jammu .

In another activity, Dr. Shiv Mangal Singh, Prof. of Psychology delivered an awareness talk and lecture on issue of drug abuse. A number of students as well staff members of college enthusiastically participated and took pledge against no use of drugs.

Other activities organized by Department of Psychology, MAM College included online poster making, essay writing and slogan writing competitions. Various students from all semesters participated in all the activities. In poster making, Madhav Sountra, and Ananya Verma both the students of 2nd Semester begged first position whereas Vinod Kumar a student of 4th semester begged 2nd position in poster making. Ananya Verma also begged first position in slogan writing whereas Madhav Sountra fetched first position in essay writing whereas second position in essay writing was achieved by Manmohan Gupta, a student of 4th semester.