

Dated: 26/07/2024
Kargil Vijay divas
Press Release
NSS unit in collaboration with NCC Army wing of 2nd Bn NCC Unit and Naval Unit of Maulana Azad Memorial College, Jammu organised a series of activities to commemorate the Kargil Vijay Diwas on26th, July 2024 under the guidance and able leadership of the Principal, Prof.(Dr). B.B.Anand of the college. On this occasion Ret. Brig. S.S. Saini and Rachna Choudhary D/O martyr Havaldar Madan Lal Choudhary (Vir Chakra) were also present. They also shared their experiences and views.
Prof. (Dr) B.B.Anand Principal, Maulana Azad Memorial College Jammu on the occasion highlighted the importance of celebration of Kargil Vijay Diwas and remembering the supreme sacrifices of the Indian soldiers. He also emphasizes the role of NSS and NCC cadets in nation building and lauded the efforts of the NSS and NCC cadets of the college.A video documentary on Kargil war, National War memorial, PVC Awardees and a video of Captain Vikram Bhatra saying “Dil Mange More” and Manoj Kumar Panday saying “If death strikes before I prove my blood , I swear , I will kill death” were shown. About 70 NSS and NCC cadets actively participated in the event. NCC cadet Dimple Singh , Nandita Jamwal and Muskan Mehra spoke about the importance of celebration of Kargil Vijay Diwas every year.The event was organized by Prof. Shiv Kumar, NCC Officer (Army wing), Prof. Mohd. Ashraf, NCC Officer (Naval Wing), Prof. Lukesha Dubgotra(NSS PO), Dr. Kailash Sharma (NSS PO) and Prof. Dheeraj Sharma (NSS PO).A Plantation drive campaign "Ek Ped Maa k Naam" campus was also organised in the college campus.