

Dated: 22/10/2024
workshop on “Stress Management through Meditation
Department of Business Admistration, MAM College conducted two days workshop on “Stress Management through Meditation” from 21st-22nd October 2024. The resource person for the workshop was Dr. Sakshi Sharma, GDC Udhampur. The Principal of the College, Dr BB Anand welcomed all the participants and emphasised on the role of meditation in a student’s life.

The resource person, Dr. Sakshi Sharma explained that Sahaja Yoga meditation works through the para sympathetic nervous system of human body also known as the human subtle system that comprises of one Kundalini power, three channels or nadies and seven plexus or chakras. Amongst the three channels (Nadis), the left channel called Ida Nadi represents our desires (Ichha shakti); the right channel called Pingla Nadi represents our working ability (Kriya shakti); and the central channel called Sushumna Nadi represents our assent. The seven energy centres in the body correspond to the seven nerve plexuses: the pelvic plexus (Mooladhara Chakra), the aortic plexus (Swadhistana Chakra), the solar plexus (Nabhi Chakra), the cardiac plexus (Heart Chakra), the cervical plexus (Vishuddhi Chakra), the optic chiasma (Agnya Chakra) and the limbic area of the brain (Sahasrara Chakra). These energy centres are responsible for maintaining their surrounding physical organs in the body.

When Kundalini rises it crosses all the six energy centres and emits from the seventh centre (Sahasrara Chakra) and unites the individual consciousness with universal consciousness. An individual rise above the three channels of the subtle system and reaches a timeless state beyond the past, present and future - a state of thoughtless awareness. This process is referred to as Self-realisation. As an evidence of self-realisation, an individual feels cool breeze of vibrations on the head and palms of hands.

Further, Dr. Sakshi Sharma introduced the participants to the founder of Sahaja Yoga, Dr. Nirmala Srivastava, more widely known as ‘Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi’ who started Sahaja Yoga on 5th May 1970. Shri Mataji was born on March 21, 1923 and descended from the royal Shalivahana/Satavahana dynasty in Chindawara, India. Shri Mataji received numerous awards and accolades throughout her life for her selfless work for humanity all over the world.

The resource person further gave practical experience of stress management to the participants by awakening the dormant primordial energy– the Kundalini, that helps in integration of the individual power with the all-pervading cosmic energy. As an evidence of self-realisation, an individual feels cool breeze of vibrations on the head and palms of hands. All the participants experienced cool breeze, relaxation and thoughtlessness during the practical meditation session. The participants were also guided as to how they can meditate at home. They were also briefed about some clearance techniques like foot soak and candle treatment.

Dr. Bharti Slathia presented the formal vote of thanks to the resource person for sparing her valuable time and the Principal for encouraging the efforts of the department to organise activities that really help the students in maintaining their well-being and facilitating their holistic development. Around 50 students enthusiastically participated and interacted in the workshop. The faculty members present were Dr. Bharti Slathia, Dr. Deepika, Dr. Pallavi Bhagat, Prof. Asha Rani, Prof. Lokesha, and Dr. Manisha Khajuria.